
We never seem settled down. Always onething or another seems to bother us. 

I am not feeling settled in life. Can you help?

What do you call settled?

Something which makes me feel secure about myself.

Are you sure, you will be alive next moment?

Haha, are you terrorising me?

No, may be trying to answer your questions.

But that doesn't serve the purpose. It doesn't show me the way.

What will show you the way?

A method to overcome my worries about future.

What was the last time when you were in future?

Never of course. How can one be?

By worrying, haha.

You are not answering the question.

Its there, its there.

Please be serious. Its important to me.

Make it unimportant then.

But then I will lose focus in life that way.

Hmm. So to stay focussed what do we need to do?

Work hard?

Work hard in present. 

I am already doing it but still I am insecure.

Now do it without bothering about future. Let it arrive.


One needs to be happy in his/her relationships. While there always seems to be some problem. 

Why the relationships don't seem to work all the time?

Because we are not willing to compromise all the time.

Why it always comes down to compromising?

Because everyone has his own sense of freedom which restricts your partner's.

But I have compromised so much.

At what cost?

I did it in love.

But of course not without expectations.

But that is very basis of relationship.

Worldy relationships yes.

Then what is the solution.

Either love without expectations, or learn to compromise.

Should I end the relationships?

Your choice; to leave one to get into another.


At the cost of appearing like old song new bird, I would still like to reiterate, that life is way too beautiful to ignore, and way too painful to live with a smile. Then who is it who will enjoy it to fullest. The one who will take it lightly.

Who will take it lightly?

The one who will stay unaffected by it.

Who will stay unaffected by it?

The one who is knows its true nature.

Who knows its true nature?

The one who is an outsider to life.

But how can anyone be outsider to life while living it?

By not identifying himself/herself with its consequences.

So identification is the problem?

Yes and disidentification is the answer!

The Big Joke

I was looking back at past, and nothing will summarize it better than this story.
There are three characters in my story, with no personalities..and I have kept it that way intentionally.

An action happens through A.
Irrespective of intention of A, the happening hurts B but helps C.
Promptly B considers A as his enemy, while C considers A as his friend.

The joke is A knows nothing about this relationship or the reason for it which B and C have established; and their future actions will be colored by this relationship.

What is more interesting is the kind of emotions, it generates. It leaves A confused, B sad and C happy. The beauty is they are in this funny situation because of one fact, they thought (that includes A), A did it intentionally. When the reality is A had no idea, what were the repercussions of his actions and now he is celebrating C's happiness and justifying or is sad about B's loss.

The real joke is that this is the basis of all life and daily living; a happening that has happened through a cosmic law being considered as someone's action for which he is blamed or praised.

The famous ballet dancer Nijinsky once said "Nijinsky dances best when Nijinsky is not there".

One lives like God when one is not there.

Thanks and Regards

Why should anyone seek englightenment?

Dear All,
I am superlazy, very very irresponsible, and if you will ask some people..an idiot who doesnt know what he says. Somehow some people still feel, I am worth saying a few words, for which I feel greatly oblized, to maintain an image, which somehow satisfies my ego (which I would say at the present moment my destiny).
   I am reading a lot though, and my thoughts are greatly influenced, they are not unbiased and sometime as somebody suggested I feel like putting an age bar for reading this site. Whatever I say should not really decide anything, as whatever I say stays a concept and its validity is to be completely decided by you.
                            I don't thank enough some of the people in my life who are unknowingly making my destiny (almost playing Gods, rather playing for Gods), though they wouldnt mind it as well. And before I start talking nonsense, let me apologise from the bottom of my heart, for causing whatever pain you have gone through because of me. 

Do we really know what we want most in life? Even if we have all the success, fame and money we want, and the good health to enjoy it – are we happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we all find ourselves seeking something more from life – all the time? Isnt that true for each one of us, at some time or the other, has a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony. We can achieve this constant repose in our ordinary, hectic, daily living. This is what the seeking – most evidently, the spiritual seeking – is all about. 

Thus, basic question still remains: Why should anyone seek 'enlightenment' or 'Self-realization'? 

A simple examination of one's personal experience will reveal that what usually disrupts the peace and harmony in life is a thought about something we think we – or someone else – should or shouldn't have done. Hence, a massive load of guilt and shame for oneself, or hatred and malice for the other, is perpetuated. Without a lot of arduous effort – work, discipline, sacrifice, sadhana – without outside assistance, but simply by investigating one's own experience, it is possible to get relief from this bondage. What mystics have said for ages, is viewed from the perspective of modern living: that actions are 'happenings' and not something done by someone. This understanding is what actually contributes to and helps us in discovering the state of equanimity and peace which we most ardently seek. 

Kind Regards

Song of the Soul

Dear Readers,

I am very sorry, for not being able to answer the specific question recently. I am traveling a great deal and its almost impossible to keep track of every activity. Please don't be disappointed, as next week-end I will be free from lots of worldly activities and I will try to answer questions as much as possible.
  Since many of you are just coming to the site for seeking answers; I thought the least I can do is present a poem..which is truely from the soul:

I am neither ego nor reason, I am neither mind nor thought,
I cannot be heard nor cast into words, nor by smell nor sight ever caught:
In light and wind I am not found, nor yet in earth and sky -
Consciousness and joy incarnate, Bliss of the Blissful am I.

I have no name, I have no life, I breathe no vital air,
No elements have moulded me, no bodily sheath is my lair:
I have no speech, no hands and feet, nor means of evolution -
Consciousness and joy am I, and Bliss in dissolution.

I cast aside hatred and passion, I conquered delusion and greed;
No touch of pride caressed me, so envy never did breed:
Beyond all faiths, past reach of wealth, past freedom, past desire,
Consciousness and joy am I, and Bliss is my attire.

Virtue and vice, or pleasure and pain are not my heritage,
Nor sacred texts, nor offerings, nor prayer, nor pilgrimage:
I am neither food, nor eating, nor yet the eater am I -
Consciousness and joy incarnate, Bliss of the Blissful am I.

I have no misgiving of death, no chasms of race divide me,
No parent ever called me child, no bond of birth ever tied me:
I am neither disciple nor master, I have no kin, no friend -
Consciousness and joy am I, and merging in Bliss is my end.

Neither knowable, knowledge, nor knower am I, formless is my form,
I dwell within the senses but they are not my home:
Ever serenely balanced, I am neither free nor bound -
Consciousness and joy am I, and Bliss is where I'm found.


"Alive, Alive-O"

First of all my thanks once again for so many emails. This time I will refrain from answering questions one by one..or picking a set from it. But I was a bit disillusioned, when so many people came up with questions like what is the way of a happy life, merry life, satisfied life etc etc..I would like to put some of thoughts I read recently..I hope it helps:
Surely today, and increasingly, there is an exaggerated tendency to overestimate the importance of the fact of living...of our apparent existence as individual phenomena? It is almost a dictum to say that we "have only one life," and "make most of it".....understood.
Whatever the origin of this, it seems to be great nonsense, and thoroughly demoralising. In first place is there any evidence, let alone any likelihood, that it is a fact? That certainly, is the view of the oriental majority of human race.
And even if that were definitely not so, what is this " living" of a "life", subject to conceptual "time" and who or what lives it? The notion of sacredness of life....human only of course!...is somewhat unevenly distributed over the surface of earth.
Dreams and poppycock! Let us find out what in fact we are...and then the importance and apparent duration of this phenomenal experience will seem to matter very little indeed!
A long life and a merry one!..By all means and why not? But does it matter? Do we bother about the longevity of...say... fish??

Best Regards

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