We never seem settled down. Always onething or another seems to bother us.
I am not feeling settled in life. Can you help?
What do you call settled?
Something which makes me feel secure about myself.
Are you sure, you will be alive next moment?
Haha, are you terrorising me?
No, may be trying to answer your questions.
But that doesn't serve the purpose. It doesn't show me the way.
What will show you the way?
A method to overcome my worries about future.
What was the last time when you were in future?
Never of course. How can one be?
By worrying, haha.
You are not answering the question.
Its there, its there.
Please be serious. Its important to me.
Make it unimportant then.
But then I will lose focus in life that way.
Hmm. So to stay focussed what do we need to do?
Work hard?
Work hard in present.
I am already doing it but still I am insecure.
Now do it without bothering about future. Let it arrive.