Dear Amit,
So far no matter what I have tried, I have not been able to be absolutely free. You seem to be answering many questions on spirituality, God, personal problems. Can you make me fearless because I believe true freedom can only come once you are fearless.
Interesting observation Karl. I am man with no magic potion. I am neither free, nor fearless. But I know, what do you mean. Very recently when I was reading some of the Upanishads, I think I got some of the clues which I will put here. Lets hope it is of some help to you.
In enjoyment, there is fear of disease; in social position, there is fear of falling off; in
wealth, there is the fear of (hostile) kings; in honour, there is the fear of humiliation; in power,
there is the fear of foes; in beauty, there is the fear of old age; in scriptural erudition, there is the
fear of opponents; in virtue, there is the fear of traducers; in body, there is the fear of death;
everything in this world pertaining to men is attended with fear; renunciation alone leads to
You are attached to a fountain-pen, walking stick, book, watch, towel, cloth. Fear slowly
creeps in. There is fear of losing them. Always entertain the thought “All objects are illusory,
perishable and pain-giving.” You will have no attachment. Even if there is attachment, it will be
mild. You can drive it away with slight thinking and discrimination.
Give up attachment to this body by identifying yourself with the bodiless, sexless, pure,
all-pervading immortal Atman or Brahman. All sorts of fears and attachments will totally
And if you can, have these words as eternal secret of fearlessness.
“I am bodiless, immortal Soul or Brahman
I am sexless, all-pervading Atman
I am fearless Brahman
I am full of Vairagya now
There is no world at all
I alone exist
I am Deathless and Blissful
I am Absolute Brahman
Kind Regards.