How to realise God!

There have been many emails, which actually want to ask the same thing, may be in different ways. The quest for infinite joy, the supreme being, the ultimate peace etc..If I have to sum it up, the basic question is "How to realise God?"
There are many ways in which one can progress, but I guess for beginners I would not like to bring in the concepts of Advaita. The things which I will talk about, are almost reverse of Advaita. But you will be able to recognise it at later stage that this difference between the two approaches towards God, is very superficial. You have to progress step by step.

To Mr. Atkinson: I would like to say, yes the things are very contradictory as they appear from the sense of your logic, still they are not. I have already sent the response to you through mail.
So I will come back to topic; How to realise God?
The first step is to realise, God alone is real. Rest of the things which appear infront of you are His menifestation. Our brain is not good enough at times, to understand this logic. Thats why It is needed to be disciplined to appreciate this supreme truth.
Renounce the sensual pleasures, seeing the defects in them that these pleasures actually make you blind, and take you away from the ultimate reality.

Equip yourself with sixfold virtues of Serenity, control of senses, cessation from sensual enjoyments, endurance, faith in the existance of the supreme being.
Read books which create insights towards the the ultimate truth.

Feel that God does everything and that you are only his instrument; you will realise later that God was acting through you.

Give up attachments to actions and their fruits.

Sing his praises, worship him, meditate upon his beautiful forms, feel being the part of this creation, feel the process of creation, feel how he is keeping things moving around through you. Finally surrender to his will till you realise, it was Your will as well.

Do not identify with your body, which is inert, impure, perishable and which is only the combination of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Always feel that you are the all-pervading, formless, pure Soul.

Take light food. Keep company with the wise. Observe Ahimsa (non-violence), Satyam(Truth) and Brahmcharya (Chestity).

Keep the body fit and energetic. Do light asanas, and yogas.
Combine all the love you cherish towards all worldy objects, wife, son, wealth, property, relatives, friends, and then apply this combined love towards God.

I think the effort should be first to discipline yourself. At later stages, once your body and mind is disciplined enough, you can move ahead without strictly following anything. But there are no shortcuts.
With lots of love and regards to everyone.

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