The Big Joke

I was looking back at past, and nothing will summarize it better than this story.
There are three characters in my story, with no personalities..and I have kept it that way intentionally.

An action happens through A.
Irrespective of intention of A, the happening hurts B but helps C.
Promptly B considers A as his enemy, while C considers A as his friend.

The joke is A knows nothing about this relationship or the reason for it which B and C have established; and their future actions will be colored by this relationship.

What is more interesting is the kind of emotions, it generates. It leaves A confused, B sad and C happy. The beauty is they are in this funny situation because of one fact, they thought (that includes A), A did it intentionally. When the reality is A had no idea, what were the repercussions of his actions and now he is celebrating C's happiness and justifying or is sad about B's loss.

The real joke is that this is the basis of all life and daily living; a happening that has happened through a cosmic law being considered as someone's action for which he is blamed or praised.

The famous ballet dancer Nijinsky once said "Nijinsky dances best when Nijinsky is not there".

One lives like God when one is not there.

Thanks and Regards

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