What is bliss?

Dear Amit,
I interected with you, while my trip to India last year.I hope you are doing good. Martha told me about this site where you are answering questions. I always got this feeling that you are hiding from all of us. Did you get the taste of the bliss which we talked about? Please write something about it.

Dear Joey, Thanks for the mail. Yes, I remember very well the things we talked about. My greetings to Martha. I hope you are doing well with your shoe-business. Yes, I was experimenting with life for a while, and I feel experienced and enriched. I don't intend to hide anymore. Atleast I learnt how to communicate through blogs.
As far as talking about bliss is concerned, It comes with the supreme realisation. I have yet to taste it, but atleast I know people, who have reached that level. As I have not tasted it yet, I will explain it you through their experiences, which I know is almost impossible. It begins with if you know the Brahman (the supreme being), the whole universe of bliss enters into you and simultaneously you enjoy the whole universe.
You can enjoy so many things in this world from good food to sex. You can go on tour, read books, watch movies, dance----there are so many varieties of enjoyment; the problem is when one enjoyment is taking place, another cannot come. They are all different things. So successively we are enjoying different things in the world, but not all the things at one stroke. Here is the difference.
The joys of all kinds of pleasurable encounters, whatever the number of these be, innumerable, infinite ways of the enjoyment of tings in the world, when they all get clubbed together into a melting pot of a single instantantenous expression of Oceanic bliss, that will be your experience when you will experience Brahman, perhaps.
You shudder even to think that such a bliss is possible. Even the thought of such an unthinkable bliss can cause terror and tremor in our body. We can be in a state of terror and tremor by seeing fearful things, but here we can have terror even by imaginging the superb Absolute Brahman where Bliss is a simultaneous completeness.

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